Keep this in mind......

After my last blog I thought it very important to clarify a few things. As I've stated before, I love writing and I love sharing my life. I'm living an ordinary life, in the fact that I've had my share of ups and downs, pains and joys, frustrations and hurts - just like everyone else. That's what makes it ordinary. We are all in the same boat - none of us are excluded from this because this IS life. I've experienced some incredible things in life and I'm journaling this because eventually I want to write a book. And although some of my own experiences were difficult ones, it's given me an incredible amount of writing material and insights that is just begging to be shared. I think my life has given me a gift so precious that I can hardly look back and regret it. To have some snippets of understanding into the human condition and the difficulties of life is something I have actually come to be proud of.

But what I will say is that I share it because I believe it can offer hope, insight and a sense of not feeling so alone when we do this journey together. I don't know about you but the time in my life that I've had the most strength to endure is when I know someone is walking it with me. And even if my experience is different, my purpose is to let you know I understand, to some degree at least, and there is light at the end of the tunnel. That no matter how difficult things are, have been or are going to get - you will get through it and you'll have something extremely precious that you can share with someone else. I don't want to keep my experiences to myself because they amount to nothing. But by sharing them and with the the offer of hope - actually gives meaning to my own life.

The other thing I need to make very clear is this: what I write may be raw, honest and open but it is subject to perspective. What that means is that what I experience in my life is filtered through a myriad of other experiences, character, my personality and my view of life - to arrive at a unique perspective that may differ from anyone else's. This is what makes me unique and my blog completely mine. It belongs to no-one else because this is my lens and how I view my world and my journey. We are all so different, so uniquely and wonderfully made and although we may have the same experience, our view on it may be dramatically different.

Another very important thing to note is: some of my blogs may talk about how I feel or how other people's actions affect me. This is NEVER about that person. That is why for the majority of the time I will NOT name names. It's not about individuals and never will be. It's actually all about me. And it feels good to say that. ;) 

(But if the shoe fits.....well........)

And in case you hadn't realized, this is my 3rd blog for the day so I'm pretty much sitting here and doing what I do best - thinking on way too many deep levels. So before I go somewhere in my head I shouldn't, I think I'll go and cook something.

Yes, that should lighten the mood. :)


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