A few thoughts....

I've been thinking of starting a blog for a very long time but it was one of those things I ummed and ahhhed about - not really sure where to start or how it even works. I am a deep thinker and a natural born writer and really just needed an avenue to get some of these thoughts and experiences out of my head. In some way, I just wanted a diary to share the experiences, the funny things that happen in our family - and the many challenges we face.

I guess I'm first and foremost me - a person like everyone who is just journeying life and its many facets. I've walked (and am walking) a very interesting and unique journey; from my days as a foster kid, to a Mum, Pastor, Cook and a mother of an Asperger child. I have dreams, desires and wants, and things that frustrate and annoy me!! I can be opinionated and I stand by what I believe in, though I am able to admit wrong or at least look at different views and change if needed. I am unapologetically devoted to God and HIS ways and I'm constantly learning and growing in my relationship with Him. I'll laugh, I'll love and I'll cry. I feel deeply and I care deeply.

I'm expecting big things in 2014 so I'm going to write my journey here - you can follow me, or you can not. These are my personal thoughts and experiences - and I'm not here to debate or argue them.

This is me: my journey as a Mum, Pastor, Cook and a mother of an Asperger.


  1. Oh how well you write! You should write a book next!! Wishing you truck loads of success and happiness! Beautiful blog, i love it!

  2. Thanks Beulah! I really do think that this will be the launch of a book. In the meantime - I do hope you enjoy it! I am certainly enjoying yours! x

  3. Hi Nicole, I have enjoyed your writing, will keep you busy.

  4. Oh hi Joy!! Yoohoo!! So glad you could join me! :)

  5. Wrote a comment but don't now what happened. Yes I'll be checking in of course. xxxx

  6. Hi Mia and Megan. I'm looking forward to sharing my journey/blog with you all!! :)


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