I hate gardening!!!
My dislike of gardening takes me back to my childhood days with my 2nd foster parents. For as long as I remember every Saturday wasn't spent doing fun stuff and playing all day with friends, enjoying the childhood before us. No, it was spent having to mow the lawns and weed garden beds. And let me tell you, we had the biggest block in Morwell - no kidding.
What was worse was the fact that it would be the middle of summer, during years of drought, so that the ground was as hard as a rock and pulling anything out was almost impossible. To make matters worse, the beds wouldn't have been weeded for most of the year and were often taller than I was.
I detested it. I'm pretty sure this was used as a punishment though the weekly mowing when we got a bit older was just part of what we had to do. And it wasn't like it is for my kids these days, we weren't paid for it. And it was an old heavy machine that took a lot of effort to push around that huge yard, and I was always a pretty little kid.
So yeah, I hate gardening. I always have and I always will.
But it has to be done. It doesn't make it any easier that my husband doesn't like it either though I don't think it's attached to any great memory given that he grew up in Sweden and spent more time tackling snow than he did grass (and yeah, he hates snow). So between us we normally wait until it's overgrown and a much harder job to accomplish! You'd think we learn, but we never really do. We just keep putting it off until it has to be done and then we just have to muster up enough energy to get out there and get it done. And we do. Though this time we did have the help of our 13 year old who 'volunteered' to mow the lawns because he wants to earn money. Money talks I tell you, and I'm happy to pay.
But you know what I do love? This.
Yep, sitting back and enjoying a freshly cut lawn, freshly weeded garden beds and neatly clipped bushes. And what makes more sense is if we now maintain it so that it doesn't end up a big job again.
But you know what? We won't. Nope. Because we'll always hate it and always leave it until it desperately needs doing!!!
Some memories just dig really deep I'm afraid.
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