Goodbye Santa.

Goodbye Santa.

Most people love Christmas and the lead up to it, and I'm no exception. I probably don't get as excited as a lot of people nor to I embrace a lot of Christmas tradition. I kind of don't get that excited about it until the week of Christmas because quite frankly, up until then it seems like just a whole lot of stress!!!

My boys are older and Santa has been given up. That puts a whole new spin on Christmas and takes away just a little of the magic. But I am a Christian so the message of Christmas is still alive and well for us, even if the memory of Santa is waning. My 11 year old couldn't cope a minute longer with the whole idea of a big man dressed in a red suit coming into our house in the middle of the night!! And the day he begged me to tell him the truth was the day I was very happy to do so because Christmas Eve always ended up a traumatic experience for all of us!! Not only that, but Santa had to leave the presents at the letter box which kind of defeated the purpose!

So this is our first year that Santa is gone (at least for now - he may come back if we have young foster kids over Christmas next year) and the boys are having a say in what they want from 'us.' Mind you, this is proving to be just as difficult - but we are slowly getting there. Master 11 has been easy enough to buy for - but Master 13 has been nigh impossible and I'm still yet to buy anything. He's umming and ahhhing and changing his mind because he really doesn't know what he wants. And it's not because he has everything - he actually doesn't. He doesn't even have a TV in his bedroom and doesn't want one. I've taught my kids not to just buy 'stuff' because you can but to think about whether you want it, need it or will use it. Suddenly that is backfiring! He tells me that worse case scenario I can just give him the money. Mmmm - that kind of goes against everything I know about Christmas!!

And not only that, but it's the 4th of December and the tree isn't even up. When the boys were younger they'd be nagging for this to happen in November, but this year they've hardly mentioned it. I do want it up, we've just been busy and haven't had the time to drag it out of the shed and get it going. Every year the boys have done it but this year there doesn't seem to be the same motivation. But if they want a tree then they'll have to do it because it's always been their job!! 

So things just feel a bit.....well ..... different. There is something magical about Santa, even though I totally respect those families who have never allowed that little bit of magic into their homes or are worried that telling their children a 'lie' will sow mistrust in them. Funny enough, it didn't happen with my kids. They were thankful we had those years of Santa and they certainly haven't accused me of lying to them. I'm sure one day they will, but it won't be about Santa.

What I will have to do, to replace some of that excitement and magic of Christmas, is to make a bigger effort to get out into the community and enjoy what is on offer. That's not always easy at this time of the year because it is often stressful and we are all tired. But I think we really need it. I think we'll have to create a little bit of that magic of where Santa used to be. Though I must say, the true meaning of Christmas in itself is magic enough. ;)

But for now it is a fond adieu and farewell. To a big man in red who made Christmas Eve the most anxious and fearful time of the year but interwove it with excitement and joy. 

Thanks and goodbye.


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